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Thank you Peppermint Pig for your contributions. This page has a fresh look all of a sudden.

In this web page, I hope to present to you strategies, combos, and obscure uses for a new Magic: The Gathering card every single day.

The Card of the Day is (in salute to my friend Norm's new Italian version of this spud he got for 25 cents)...

Fire and Brimstone

The Dark Uncommon

3WW Instant

"Fire and Brimstone does 4 damage to target player and 4 damage to you. Can only be used during a turn in which target player has declared an attack."

Even though this card is a real turkey, I'd snag up a set of four for a dollar. I'm not making fun of Norm's purchase, but the card does kinda suck. Heck, I've bought Italian glyphs for 25 cents just incase I'd ever need them---knowing they probably won't be reprinted. Turns out, I can almost the Glyph of Destruction to help get a Phyrexian Dreanought into play several turns sooner than normal. On the bright side, Fire and Brimstone does have a nearly unique function about it...it's almost the only source of direct damage white has (depending on your definition...do Witch Hunter and the javelineers count?) Besides that, Fire and Brimstone is an instant...there aren't even that many red direct damage instants. If it only weren't for the fact there are many spells in every other color that deal damage much more efficiently than Fire and Brimstone...sigh. Four damage to an opponent for five mana at the speed of an instant is pretty good, but that dealing four damage to yourself thing really sucks, along with only being able to pull this stunt off when your opponent attacks. There's almost nothing worse than having an opponent play a creatureless deck while you're toting Fire and Brimstones. Insult to injury if you ever have to discard one of these in front of someone using a creatureless deck. You try to discard the card very quietly, or even better if you must pitch two cards at once! You try to put the currently useless Fire and Brimstone under the top card. Carefully, you try to put the cards exactly on the pile. As soon as you let go of the cards, the gloss on your Fire and Brimstone cause the card covering it to shift ever so slightly. Your opponent sees a black border card, and quickly scoops it up to look at it. If you're lucky, they can't read Italian and have never seen any cards prior to Mirage. You can tell them it's a Nether Shadow from hell or something. If you're kinda lucky, you could pretend you don't know what it is...saying you bought it for $20.00 at a show---it has to be good! Hoping your opponent doesn't know Italian, you could try to help swade the joined-effort translation to something like 4 damage to them and 4 to one of their creatures. "Gee, it says four on there a few times...it costs 5 mana...it's from The Dark...it ran me $20.00! I think it functions like a 4 point Drain Life." If you're unlucky though, your opponent will think you are insane---realizing at least part of your deck was "wasted" with the infamous Fire and Brimstone. In those cases you absolutely must have some direct damage in your all white deck, Fire and Brimstone is da bomb. I'm not too into using dangerous finishing move spells like Kaervek's Spite or Forbidden Ritual, but if you're looking for one in white, Fire and Brimstone rocks. I've used this card fun fun a few times, just because I like to say the name in a booming voice, and it always catches people by surprise. Here are a few cards that can assist Fire and Brimstone: :